
What’s the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?

19 September 2020

For diabetics, it is always challenging to get accurate information about their problem. Sometimes, they cannot understand the type of diabetes they are suffering from. If you are a diabetes patient, do you know what kind of diabetes you are suffering from? 

If no, then here we share all the information you need about the different types of diabetes, including diabetes test strips that can help you in treating your problem. This post is beneficial for those, who want to know about different the types of diabetes, including causes and symptoms.

What are the various types of diabetes?

There are three types of diabetes, which have different symptoms, causes, and treatments. These are Type 1, Type 2, and gestational.

What are Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes

A person of any age group can suffer from Type 1 diabetes. However, children and adolescents are the primary sufferers from this problem. Type 1 diabetes arises, when the body does not produce insulin, and a patient needs to have a daily dose of insulin injected to maintain the necessary level of insulin within the body.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes problems occur mainly in adults. In this case, the human body does not produce as much insulin as it needs to make. The primary treatment for this problem is making key, healthy lifestyle changes such as performing physical activities and, having a healthy diet. While following a healthy diet plan and checking your diabetes levels using diabetes test strips, you can easily maintain a healthy glucose level. After checking your glucose level with your diabetes test strips, you can then plan optimum your diet. Once you have reached your healthy levels, you can also get cash for unused diabetic test strips.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women, where their blood sugar level becomes too high during their pregnancy. This happens to around 10% of pregnant ladies across the United States of America. Gestational diabetes is of two types, A1 and A2. It is quite easy to control the A1 type of diabetes by exercising and following a healthy diet. But for pregnant women who are suffering from A2 diabetes it is recommended to have insulin.

Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?

After learning about Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, perhaps you may have some doubts related to the information.

In the case of Type 1 diabetes, the human body does not produce any insulin. The symptoms of Type 1 diabetes start at an early age.

On the other hand, in Type 2 diabetes, the body produces enough insulin. The symptoms of Type 2 diabetes emerge very slowly. With proper exercise and medication, it is easy to regulate the level of insulin in the body. 

Causes of Type 1 diabetes

The immune system within the body mistakes the healthy human body cells for a foreign invader, which makes it destroy the insulin beta cells.

Causes of Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes happens when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin. Poor lifestyle, environmental factors, or heredity can also be causes of Type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes

People diagnosed with both types of diabetes have common symptoms, which are:

  • Problems with vision
  • Body feels fatigued
  • Early hunger
  • Body cuts or sores take time to heal properly
  • Early urination
  • Feeling thirsty

How one can diagnose type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?

The process of diagnosing the types of diabetes is common. No matter, what type of diabetes you always go through the same procedure to diagnose what type you may have.

Random Blood Sugar Test: As its name suggests, this test can be done at any time. The sugar level is measured in milligrams per deciliter or mg/DL. Depending upon what you have eaten last, it shows the levels of blood and sugar within the body.

Glycated Hemoglobin Test or A1C Test: This test is beneficial for checking the average blood sugar level within the body over the last two to three months. Results should be from 5.7 to 6.4 per cent.   

Fasting Blood Sugar test: A blood sample is taken after fasting for a whole night. The reading of 100 mg/DL is taken as a normal reading.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: This method for diagnosing the diabetes level is quite common, but it is not recommended during pregnancy. You need to fast for a whole night and eat sugary liquid when you are about to check the levels. The levels of sugar are tested for around two hours.


We hope that this gave you helpful information about the different types of diabetes. If you have unused diabetes supplies you can safely sell them online at

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